Title Mrs. First Name Shradha Last Name Jagtap
Designation Assistant Professor
Dept. Name Commerce
Address: Kedgaon, Tal-Daund, Dist-Pune


Phone No.

Office ——-
Residence ——–
Mobile 9146775299
Email 1. [email protected] 2.
Web Page (if any)




Papers Taught

F.Y.B.Com. Sem. I 1. 114B: Computer Concept and Application I
Sem. II 1. 124B: Computer Concept and Application II


Sem. I 1.     232: Corporate Accounting I

2.     234: Business Management I

Sem. II 1.     242: Corporate Accounting II

2.     244: Business Management II

T.Y.B.Com. Sem. I 1. 355 h: Marketing Management II
Sem. II 1. 365 h: Marketing Management II
M.Com. Sem. I 1.     191: Human Right I

2.     192: Introduction to Cyber Security

Areas of Interest/Specialization Commerce



Experience (in years)

Total 04
Industry 00
Teaching 04
Research 00



Educational Qualifications

UG B.Com.
PG M.Com.
Doctorate —-
Any other M. Phil

Publications in Journals




Papers Published in Conference Proceedings (last 5 years)  

Books Authored/Book Volume Chapters

No. of Conferences



Attended Organized
National 03

Research Guidance

Awarded PG M. Phil Doctorate

Research Projects

Awards & Distinctions
Administrative Assignments Handled
Association with Professional Bodies
Any other Achievements