Title Dr. First Name Shobha Last Name Waikar
Designation Assistant Professor
Dept. Name Department Of History
Address: Lingali Road Sarswatinagar Parvati Niwas,Daund Tal-Daund, Dist-Pune
Phone No. Office 02119-224534
Residence (optional)
Mobile 9112739418
Email 1. [email protected] 2.
Web Page (if any)
Papers Taught  1.FYBA(11171) 1-Early India:From Prehistory to the Age of the          Mauryas(11172) 2- Early India:Post Mauryan Age to the Rashtrakutas


2.SYBA (23171) 3- DSE-1A-Medieval India:Sultanate Period

(24171) 4-DSE-1B Medieval India:Mughal Period


2.TYBA(35172) 5-DSE-4D- Maharashtra in the 19th Century

(36172)  6-DSE-4D- Maharashtra in the 20th Century

(35174)  5- CC-3- Indian National Movement (1885-1947)

(36174)  6-CC-4Indian after Independece(1947-91)

(35178)  5-Museology

(36176)  6-Heritage Management


4.M.A.1 (12202)-Evolution of Ideas&Institution in Early India

(12206)-Social Background Of Dalit Movement in Maharashtra



Areas of Interest/Specialization Ancient India
Experience (in years) Total 17
Industry NIL
Teaching 17
Research 00
Educational Qualifications UG B.A.
PG M.A,.M.Phil
Doctorate P.hD
Any other B.Ed.(His-Mar)
Research Publications in Journals

(last 5 years)

Books Authored/Book Volume Chapters Nil
No. of Conferences  







National 04 01
International 02 00
Research Guidance Awarded PG M. Phil Doctorate
Research Projects Nil  –
Undergoing  –
Awards & Distinctions 1.पुणे विद्यापीठ पुणे .उत्कृष्ट संघनायक पुरस्कार राष्ट्रीय सेवा  योजना

2 क्रांतिज्योती सावित्रीबाई फुले जयंतीनिमित्त व स्वर्गीय महादेव अडसूळयांच्या स्मरणार्थ दिला जाणारा पुरस्कार

Administrative Assignments Handled  सावित्रीबाई फुले पुणे विद्यापीठ पुणे राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना महाविदयालय कार्यक्रम अधिकारी

2009 to 2014

2021 to 2024

Association with Professional Bodies
Any other Achievements