Title Dr. First Name Rajendra Last Name Gaikwad
Designation  Asst.Professor / (Department of  English)
Dept. Name Department Of  English
Address: Kedgaon, Tal-Daund, Dist-Pune
Phone No. Office 02119-224534
Residence (Datta Park, E- Building, Kedgaon Station,Tal- Daund,Dist- Pune- 412203)
Mobile 7588952434
Email 1. [email protected] 2.
Web Page (if any)
Papers Taught  English
Areas of Interest/Specialization English Literature and Language
Experience (in years) Total
Industry NIL
Teaching 14
Research 00
Educational Qualifications PG M.A.
Doctorate  M.A.B.Ed, SET, Ph.D
Any other B.Ed ( English- History)
Research Publications in Journals

(last 5 years)

Papers Published in Conference Proceedings (last 5 years) 11
Books Authored/Book Volume Chapters 03
No. of Conferences  


Attended Organized
00 00
National 03 00
Research Guidance Awarded PG M. Phil Doctorate
Research Projects Completed  –  Minor Research Project Completed


Undergoing  –
Awards & Distinctions 1.     Best Teacher by Shabdhdhan Social Foundation

2.     Satyshodhak State Level Award Kolhapur

3.     Best Teacher – Mahatama Gandhi Welfare and Foundation Parbhani

4.     Best Team Leader- NSS  Pune University

Administrative Assignments Handled
Association with Professional Bodies
Any other Achievements