Title Dr. First Name Nanasaheb Last Name Jawale
Designation  Professor  (Department of  Hindi)
Dept. Name Department Of  Hindi
Address: Kedgaon, Tal-Daund, Dist-Pune

Pin- 412203

Phone No. Office 02119-224534
Residence (Swami Sankul, Kambale Wasti, Kedgaon Station, Tal- Daund, Dist- Pune- 412203)
Mobile 7588952444
Email 1. [email protected] 2.
Web Page (if any)
Papers Taught  Hindi
Areas of Interest/ Specialization Hindi Literature and Language
Experience (in years) Total
Industry NIL
Teaching 18
Research 02
Educational Qualifications UG B.A
Doctorate SET, M. Phil., Ph.D
Any other
Research Publications in Journals

(last 5 years)

Papers Published in Conference Proceedings (last 5 years)
Papers Published in Books

(last 5 years)

Books Authored/Book Editor 04
Developed E- Content (Notes & Video) 15
No. of Conferences  Level Organized Attended & Paper Presented
State 1 10
National 00 01
International 00 02
Research Guidance Awarded PG M. Phil Doctorate
00 00
Undergoing 00 05
Research Projects Completed  –  Minor Research Project Completed


Undergoing  –
Awards & Distinctions 1.     Best Teacher by

Dnyanoday Bahuuddeshuya Sanstha 2020-21

2.     Academic Excellence Award – GRF Award 2021

Administrative Assignments Handled College Examination Officer
Association with Professional Bodies
Any other Achievements