Title Dr. First Name Bhausaheb Last Name Darekar
Designation  Assistant Professor
Dept. Name  Commerce
Address: FlatNo.3,B Wing , Vedashri Apartment Near Javaharlal Vidhyalaya Kedgaon 412203 Tal-Daund,Dist-Pune.
Phone No. Office    02119 224534
Residence  9421588098
Mobile    7588952408
Email 1. [email protected] 2. [email protected]
Web Page (if any)
Papers Taught nil nil
Areas of Interest/Specialization     Accountancy
Experience (in years) Total 21
Industry Nil
Teaching 21
Research Nil
Educational Qualifications UG 64.00%
PG 64.00%
Doctorate Business Administration
Any other M.Phil
Research Publications in Journals

(last 5 years)


Papers Published in Conference Proceedings (last 5 years) 09
Books Authored/Book Volume Chapters Nil
No. of Conferences State Attended Organized
….. …….
National …… …..
Research Guidance Awarded PG M. Phil Doctorate
Research Projects Completed  –


Undergoing  –
Awards & Distinctions
Administrative Assignments Handled Criteria:-06

Governance, Leadership & Management

Association with Professional Bodies
Any other Achievements